Dealing with Staffing Issues in Business

For business owners that have taken the plunge and hired outside staff, there can be a few issues that arise from this. If you’re struggling with staffing issues in your business, then the following hints and tips will help you out.

Bringing in Enough Staff 

If you’re business is somewhat volatile in terms of workflow, then you may struggle to maintain the right amount of staff. You don’t want to have too small of a workforce to complete the tasks at hand, but you also don’t want more people than you really need. This is where you have to consider what your baseline number is and some solutions if you need to bring in additional workers.

Seasonal and temporary staff can help out in a pinch, but the chances are you have to train them up. How long this takes will really depend on the job, but you should consider if this negates the saving of not having them on a permanent basis.

Finding Time to Hire

If you’ve ever posted up a position on a job board, then you will probably know just how many applications your role is likely to get. Most business owners simply don’t have the time to sift through all of these to select the best possible candidates to interview.

This is where a recruitment agency like Devonshire Digital Recruitment can really come in handy. It’s their job to pick through these candidates so you don’t have to. Of course, you have to consider whether it’s worth it for you to pay the fees associated with this or to find the time in your day to day role.

HR and Logistics

Human resources might seem like an expensive addition to your business, but in reality they’re there to save you money. With fines for poor conduct on the part of employers growing all the time, you have to make sure you’re in the clear.

You don’t need to have these people in house if you don’t need them all the time, but an outsourced angle might be an option for your business. This allows you to get the advice that you really need, without having to pay for it full time. Whichever route you choose to go down, you need to make sure you’re covered from an HR perspective.


Many business owners feel they can edit contracts for new workers or changes in roles, but this isn’t always a good idea. While your employee may sign it at the time, if you do have issues further down the line it may not be ironclad.

This can impact your defence if they choose to take you to a tribunal, so make sure you have a knowledgeable person draw up the contract. You can also get a second opinion on the contract if you want to make sure that all avenues are covered.

Staff can help a business to grow, but they have to be managed correctly to do so. If you want to avoid staffing issues, then follow our advice.


Image: Pixabay